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A viola e o Cerrado | Claudivan Santiado | TEDxGuará

A viola caipira é mais do que um instrumento: é a voz do cerrado, das memórias e das tradições do Brasil profundo. Neste emocionante TEDxTalk, Claudivan Santiago nos leva por uma viagem sonora e afetiva pelo cerrado brasileiro, onde cresceu cercado por animais, rios e a riqueza natural que moldou sua identidade musical. Enquanto toca sua viola caipira, ele compartilha histórias de sua infância e reflexões sobre a importância de preservar esse bioma único. Uma palestra inspiradora que une música, cultura e consciência ambiental. Claudivan Santiago is a singer, songwriter, multi-instrumentalist musician, and one of the leading names in Brazilian viola caipira. Born in Cachoeirinha, Tocantins, he began his professional career at the age of 15 and has been based in Brasília since 2003, where he dedicated himself to studying the viola caipira. Awarded the Rozini Award for Excellence in Viola Caipira in 2013, he has six original albums and collaborations with artists like Sérgio Reis and Tiririca. His work is often compared to icons such as Almir Sater and Renato Teixeira, establishing him as a reference in contemporary Brazilian folk music. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

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