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The Transformative Power of Time | Dr.John Ebnezar | TEDxSiddagangaInstituteofTechnology

Dr. John Ebnezar, a distinguished orthopedic surgeon and Padma Shri awardee, Mr. John Ebnezar explores the nature of time, emphasizing its relentless and transformative power. He introduces the "4 T’s" of time: it never stops, ticks away, teaches lessons, and transforms lives. While time spans billions of years, human lives are fleeting, with modern life expectancy significantly improved over the past century. Drawing from biblical allegory, he traces adversity to Adam’s fateful choice, marking the start of human struggles. Mr. Ebnezar likens adversity to sculpting stone, essential for creating beauty. Through “Kronospection,” he advocates managing moments wisely, embracing both blessings and challenges as tools for growth and resilience. Dr. John Ebnezar, a distinguished orthopedic surgeon and Padma Shri awardee. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

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