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Il ruolo delle imprese nella lotta al cambiamento climatico | Andrea Maggiani | TEDxOltrarno

Andrea Maggiani, esperto di finanza climatica, esplora come le imprese possano guidare la lotta al cambiamento climatico. Fondatore di una startup pionieristica e mentore di nuove realtà nel settore, condivide strategie per trasformare la sostenibilità in un vantaggio competitivo e raggiungere le emissioni nette zero. Andrea Maggiani is a distinguished entrepreneur and economist specializing in climate finance. As the founder of Italy’s first startup focused on climate change mitigation and the carbon market, Andrea has pioneered efforts to address one of the most pressing issues of our time.With over 15 years of experience in climate technology, he has collaborated with leading Italian companies, influencing C-suite executives to reassess their business models and establish clear pathways toward achieving net-zero emissions.Andrea has actively participated in numerous initiatives and projects in emerging markets, dedicated to facilitating access to carbon finance and implementing carbon market mechanisms.A recognized innovator in the climate tech industry, he also mentors and invests in emerging startups, empowering the next generation of entrepreneurs in the sustainability sector. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

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