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曙光之舞 The Dance of Aurora On The Horizon | Aurora Dance 曙光之舞 | TEDxXinyi

翻轉貧窮路上,孩子曾孤獨徬徨,好家再有您,孩子在黑暗中看見曙光! 在黎明的微光中, 一絲微弱的光線穿透了黑暗的幕布, 如同一位舞者,在寂靜的空間中輕盈起舞, 每一步,都在喚醒沉睡的世界。The Dance of Aurora , where the dawn rises not as a single moment, but as a fluid, graceful movement, painting the sky with shades of pink and gold, dancing across the heavens in a quiet symphony.表演介紹: 「曙光之舞」由兩個才藝隊(新北市家扶Sparkle木箱鼓才藝隊、桃園家扶舞極限舞蹈才藝隊)、三位扶助兒少(演唱、吉他、大提琴)與一位自立青年(演唱)參與演出,並由第三度為家扶兒少演出擔任策劃總監的「阿福」蘇打綠團長阿福 所策畫,結合樂器、音樂與流行舞蹈等多樣風格,讓孩子盡情玩音符、享受音樂、探索自我,呈現這片土地因愛與關懷,與弱勢兒少一起創造出無限價值。 內容摘要: 「趙愛群(新竹家扶)」以渾厚嗓音及具爆發性的舞台魅力,用美聲象徵傳承與開場,並由「大麥(新北市家扶自立青年)」引言訴說生命中面對許多不容易的考驗,如何克服挑戰並樂觀面對歷程,透過「陳希(台北家扶)」的大提琴與「王泉裕(新北市家扶)」指彈吉他演出的樂曲中,希望讓社會大眾知道家扶孩子不輕率對待生活、在意每個當下且不斷努力的質感。 中場由國小跨齡到高中的兩個才藝隊接棒表演,首先是「Sparkle木箱鼓才藝隊(新北市家扶)」,透過節奏拍打展現音樂的渲染力,最後由「Dance Limit舞極限才藝隊(桃園家扶) 」帶來熱力四射的街舞演出,呈現弱勢兒少即使在有限生活中,仍彼此砥礪前行,努力蘊育無極限夢想。 「曙光之舞」希望展現家扶孩子雖曾孤獨徬徨,但社會傳承善的力量,幫助他們勇敢站上 舞台,為邁向曙光全力以赴的信念!"Dance of Aurora” involves two talent teams (the New Taipei City CCF Sparkle Box Drum Talent Team and the Taoyuan CCF Dance Limit Talent Team), three supported youth (singing, guitar, and cello), and one self-reliant young adult (singing). The music peformance was planned by "A-Fu," the lead of the band Sodagreen, who has served as the planning director for CCF youth performances for the third time. The performance combines various styles such as instruments, music, and pop dance, allowing the children to fully play with notes, enjoy music, and explore themselves. It showcases the infinite value created through love and care, with vulnerable children and adolescents together contributing to this land. Content Summary: "Zhao Ai-Qun (CCF Hsinchu)" opens the performance with her deep, powerful voice and explosive stage presence, using beautiful vocals to symbolize inheritance and the beginning of the show. Then, "Da Mai (CCF New Taipei City self-reliant youth)" shares an introduction about facing numerous challenges in life, overcoming them, and staying optimistic through the journey. Through music performed by "Chen Xi (CCF Taipei)" on the cello and "Wang Quan-Yu (CCF New Taipei City)" playing the guitar, the performance aims to let the public know that CCF children do not take life lightly—they care about every moment and continuously strive to improve their lives. The intermission features two talent teams, with performers ranging from elementary school to high school. First, the "Sparkle Box Drum Talent Team (CCF New Taipei City)" demonstrates the power of music through rhythmic drumming. This is followed by an energetic street dance performance by the "Dance Limit Talent Team (CCF Taoyuan)," showing that even in a life with limited resources, vulnerable children and adolescents continue to support and push each other forward, nurturing limitless dreams. "Dance of Aurora” aims to demonstrate that while CCF children may have once felt lonely and lost, the power of society’s kindness helps them courageously stand on stage and fully commit to their belief in moving toward the dawn. Joined onstage by series of talented ones for variety shows, including singing, dancing and sharing. Through a set of songs powered by experimental CHOREOGRAPH performance. 此次大會旨為正向傳遞,此次也很榮幸提供舞台給孩子們一個發光所在,也傳遞出講者「貧窮世襲」議題的延伸閱讀。 「 信心來自於起心動念的培養。」 為幫助弱勢兒少突破經濟限制,獲得適性發展與多元學習機會,家扶基金會自2006年起推動《才藝培育計畫》,至今已有近2萬名兒少參與,目前全台有64支才藝隊,於音樂、舞蹈、運動、傳統技藝等領域中,以個人培育或才藝隊訓練方式,幫助孩子能無所擔憂的發展夢想、無所畏懼的實踐夢想,最終迎向自己的曙光! 「曙光之舞」由兩個才藝隊(新北市家扶Sparkle木箱鼓才藝隊、桃園家扶舞極限舞蹈才藝隊)、三位扶助兒少(演唱、吉他、大提琴)與一位自立青年(演唱)參與演出,並由第三度為家扶兒少演出擔任策劃總監的「阿福」蘇打綠團長阿福 所策畫,結合樂器、音樂與流行舞蹈等多樣風格,讓孩子盡情玩音符、享受音樂、探索自我,呈現這片土地因愛與關懷,與弱勢兒少一起創造出無限價值。 This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

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