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A Simple twist of fate: luck in Lucca | Rick Hutton | TEDxLUCCA

A compelling story that begins in swinging London in the early 70s and the unfolding of unexpected events that bring Rick Hutton and his friend Clive Griffiths to Lucca. What ensues is the hilarious tale of how Video Music started, in the private broadcasting TV station of Tele Elefante in Garfagnana and how it was Rick and Clive who started it from nothing to 3/4 million listeners within a few months. From then on life is a fun party for them that brings the two showmen around the world to perform and to interview rock stars and celebrities and carry on the life experience of being 20 years old. Music is their life, rock and roll their fuel and the tale of music in the 80s that Rick talks about at TEDxLucca is both an honor and a joy to listen to. Icona della musica e della televisione, nasce nella Liverpool degli anni ‘50 e vive la “swinging London” dei ‘60, dove inizia a suonare rock con la sua prima band. Negli anni ‘80, si trasferisce in Italia e diventa il volto di Videomusic, la prima TV musicale europea. Rick presenta artisti internazionali a Sanremo, lavora con Ronnie Wood e collabora con leggende come Joe Cocker e Billy Preston. Attualmente, vive tra Toscana e Londra, conduce un programma radiofonico rock e anima eventi come il Porretta Sweet Soul Festival. La sua passione per il rock e il soul resta immutata, rendendolo un’icona intramontabile. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

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