The Power of Self-Permission | Hollis Rohrer | TEDxISU
Who truly has a say in what is possible for our lives? As children, we learn allowable parameters from the adults around us, but as we grow older, we might find ourselves still clinging to ideas about ourselves that no longer ring true. Self-permission is a power gate that opens us up to what we're really made of, and allows us to create our own way forward into a life worth living and celebrating. Hollis Rohrer is the host of the popular Open That Door podcast, started in 2024 to help people step into a life and livelihood they love. As a speaker, author, coach/consultant, and new thought leader, Hollis guides clients, businesses, and audiences to find their way forward by meeting them where they’re at. Her unique blend of authenticity, honesty, clarity, and compassion—and her deep belief that people already have the tools to overcome challenges—serve to empower others to realize their capacity to take action and change their lives. As a former CEO, successful entrepreneur, and retired actress, Hollis brings relatability and presence to the intersection of business acumen and leadership. She helps those she works with learn how to drop the façade and posturing of success and instead embrace the tremendous power that comes from showing up exactly as they are, vulnerable, capable, and ready. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
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- 7:43Le impronte che lasciamo | Pino Trimboli | TEDxReggioEmiliaPino ci fa riflettere su come il coraggio non si esprima solo in atti eroici ma anche attraverso le scelte quotidiane di persone comuni. Per farci capire come è arrivato a questa conclusione Pino ci racconta alcuni passaggi della sua vita. Cresciuto in un ambiente difficile ha vissuto da giovanissimo il dramma delle minacce di ‘ndrangheta. Dopo questo episodio decide di trasferirsi in America per 2 anni. Ritorna nel 1992, periodo delle stragi mafiose e trova ispirazione nelle parole di Paolo Borsellino: "Chi ha paura muore ogni giorno, chi non ha paura muore una volta sola". In quel momento decide di impegnarsi nella sua terra aprendo un ristorante e si rifiuta di pagare il pizzo, nonostante le minacce di morte. Il suo coraggio non è frutto di poteri sovrumani ma della scelta di fare ciò che è giusto. Resistere alla criminalità organizzata e dire "no" diventa un atto di coraggio che ispira la sua comunità. Il vero coraggio è mantenere la propria integrità e insegnare ai più giovani che la dignità e il rispetto sono valori che vanno difesi ogni giorno. /// Pino makes us reflect on how courage is expressed not only by heroic actions, but also through the choices made by ordinary people every day. In order for us to understand how he has come to this conclusion, Pino tells us about some important moments in his life. He grew up in a harsh environment: as a young man he experienced the tragedy of threats by ‘ndrangheta, the Calabrian mafia. After this, he decided to move to America, where he stayed for two years. He came back in 1992, at the time of the mafia-organized killings, and was inspired by Paolo Borsellino’s quote: “Those who are afraid die every day, those who are not die only once". In that moment he decided to commit and stay in his own territory, opening a restaurant and refusing to pay a protection racket, despite death threats. His courage is not the result of supernatural powers but the choice to do what is right. Resisting organized crime groups and saying "no" has become an act of courage that has inspired his community. True courage is maintaining one’s own integrity and teaching young people that dignity and respect are values to be defended every single day. Giuseppe Trimboli, conosciuto come Pino, nasce a Locri nel 1975 e cresce a Martone, un paese sulle colline della Locride. Nel 1990 lascia gli studi e si trasferisce negli USA. Rientra in Calabria nel 1992 e si dedica alla ristorazione, scoprendo la sua vera passione. Nel 1998 apre “La Collinetta”, un’osteria di cibo tipico calabrese a conduzione familiare, con l’obiettivo di valorizzare le tradizioni locali. Nel corso degli anni, l’attività di Giuseppe evolve, includendo anche la produzione agricola biologica e la creazione di prodotti a marchio proprio. Dal 2007 è socio di “Goel”, una cooperativa che si oppone attivamente alla ‘ndrangheta, e nel 2024 ha fondato “La terra dei Primi”, il primo orto sociale della Locride coltivato insieme a persone con disabilità. Ha ricevuto numerosi premi per il suo impegno culinario e sociale, tra cui il titolo di Ambasciatore della Dieta Mediterranea. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
- 18:15Non per guadagno, ma per libertà | Tiziana Colluto | TEDxReggioEmiliaTiziana ci racconta il suo percorso personale e professionale, segnato dalla morte di sua zia Santa, che ha affrontato con coraggio una lunga battaglia contro il cancro. Questa esperienza le ha insegnato a trasformare il dolore in impegno civile, facendo tesoro delle cicatrici. Come giornalista, si è battuta contro l’inquinamento e le malattie derivanti dai rifiuti, affrontando anche numerosi rischi legali. Diventa co-fondatrice della “Casa delle Agriculture Tullia e Gino”, dedicata alla tutela del territorio e alla sostenibilità. L'iniziativa cresce attraverso progetti concreti, tra cui la creazione di un Mulino di comunità per produrre cibo sano e accessibile. Nonostante le difficoltà, Tiziana rimane convinta che sia possibile costruire un altro tipo di economia, più giusta e solidale, basata sul rispetto del territorio e delle persone. La sua visione è quella di un impegno quotidiano che agisca con coerenza e responsabilità, in nome di una nuova etica della sostenibilità. /// Tiziana tells about about her personal and professional journey, marked by the death of her aunt Santa, who had fought a long and courageous battle against cancer. This experience taught Tiziana how to turn sorrow into a civil commitment, and how to treasure scars. As a journalist, she has fought against pollution and diseases resulting from waste, even laying herself open to legal risks. She is the co-founder of “Casa delle Agriculture Tullia e Gino”, an association dedicated to the protection of the territory and to sustainability. The initiative has grown through concrete projects, among which the creation of a community mill to produce healthy and accessible food. Despite difficulties, Tiziana is still convinced that it is possible to build another type of economy, a fair and just one, based on the respect for the land and the people. Her vision is the everyday commitment to coherency and accountability, in the name of a new ethics of sustainability. Tiziana Colluto è giornalista professionista, ha una laurea in Giurisprudenza e un master in Comunicazione Sociale. Per quindici anni ha indagato e raccontato, per diverse testate nazionali, tra cui Telerama,, Nuovo Quotidiano di Puglia, La Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno, l’inquinamento ambientale, affaristico e criminale nel e del territorio salentino. Si occupa di comunicazione nella pubblica amministrazione per portare a galla i lati bui del suo territorio e questo lavoro, unito allo studio dello spopolamento dei paesi, ha rafforzato in lei la consapevolezza che “il mondo si cambia con l’esempio e non con l’opinione”. Nel 2013 ha co-fondato “Casa delle Agriculture Tullia e Gino”, ass. di volontariato di cui è presidente e che opera con impegno incessante per la cura della terra e dell’agrobiodiversità, declinando i temi della sostenibilità ambientale con quelli di giustizia sociale, inclusione, pace e cultura, per praticare “restanza” in aree in declino demografico. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
- 17:57Politische Korrektheit: Heucheln wir uns die Welt schön?! | Hamed Abdel-Samad | TEDxMünsterHamed Abdel-Samad, deutsch-ägyptischer Politikwissenschaftler und Autor, wirft einen kritischen Blick darauf, wie political correctness unsere Sprache, unsere Gedanken und die Ausdrucksfreiheit beeinflusst. Er beschreibt, wie sie den gesellschaftlichen Diskurs und die Machtstrukturen verändert, und er plädiert auf Ehrlichkeit, Respekt und Redefreiheit als die drei Säulen einer offenen Gesellschaft. Mit persönlichen Geschichten und einer genauen Analyse inspiriert Hamed Abdel-Samad die Zuhörenden zu kritischem Denken und einem offenen Austausch.Political Correctness: Saving Feelings or Killing Jokes?!Hamed Abdel-Samad, a German-Egyptian political scientist and author, critically examines how political correctness shapes language, thought, and freedom of expression. Highlighting its impact on societal dialogue and power structures, he advocates for honesty, respect, and free speech as pillars of an open society. With personal stories and sharp analysis, Abdel-Samad inspires audiences to think critically and engage openly. Hamed Abdel-Samad, geboren 1972 bei Kairo, studierte Englisch, Französisch, Japanisch und Politik. Er arbeitete für die UNESCO, am Lehrstuhl für Islamwissenschaft der Universität Erfurt und am Institut für Jüdische Geschichte und Kultur der Universität München. Abdel-Samad ist Mitglied der Deutschen Islam Konferenz und zählt zu den profiliertesten islamischen Intellektuellen im deutschsprachigen Raum. Der ägyptische Politikwissenschaftler und Historiker Hamed Abdel-Samad ist einer der international wichtigsten Kritiker des politischen Islam. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
- 11:56Schwarz-Weiß-Grau: Warum es keine Schwäche ist, keine Meinung zu haben | Lars Hermes | TEDxMünsterLars Hermes spricht über die Gefahren unseres Schwarz-Weiß-Denkens in einer komplexen Welt voller Grautöne. Er teilt persönliche Erkenntnisse aus seiner Arbeit mit Aktion Baum, die ihm gezeigt haben, wie oft wir falsche Annahmen treffen und vorschnell urteilen. Lars motiviert sein Publikum, Denkmuster zu hinterfragen und die Welt nicht nur „schwarz und weiß“ zu sehen.“Black-White-Grey: Why not having an opinion is not a weakness”Lars Hermes is a social entrepreneur dedicated to environmental protection. He is a co-founder of Aktion Baum and the Inklusionsfit Institute, which helps make companies more inclusive. Through projects like Aktion Baum and Waldkicker, he advocates for environmental conservation and supports children playing football. As a speaker, Lars inspires audiences with his hands-on experiences and offers new perspectives. Lars Hermes addresses the dangers of black-and-white thinking in a complex world full of shades of grey. He shares personal insights from his work with Aktion Baum, which have shown him how often we make incorrect assumptions and rush to judgment. Lars encourages his audience to challenge thought patterns and to view the world beyond “black and white.” Lars Hermes ist Social Entrepreneur und widmet sich dem Schutz der Umwelt. Er ist Mitbegründer von Aktion Baum sowie des Inklusionsfit Instituts, das Unternehmen inklusiver macht. Mit Projekten wie Aktion Baum und Waldkicker setzt er sich für Umweltschutz und fußballspielende Kinder ein. Als Referent inspiriert Lars mit seinen Erfahrungen aus der Praxis und zeigt neue Perspektiven auf. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
- 20:02What jazz improv can teach you about communication | Dr. Lenora Helm Hammonds | TEDxBerklee BostonIt may seem cliché to hear the saying that music is a universal language, but research shows that jazz improvisation can serve as a bridge to understanding ourselves and others. Dr. Lenora Helm Hammonds, an intercultural maturity researcher and celebrated jazz musician, guides us through the cornerstones that create a unique collection of social and emotional intelligence skills known as Intercultural Maturity. Our ability to successfully navigate relationships, both on the bandstand and in life, requires intercultural competence. However, one cannot become interculturally competent without developing skills along a continuum—starting with awareness and leading to the ability to integrate successfully with others who are different. Dr. Hammonds demonstrates this through musical performances in jazz, accompanied by Berklee alum guitarist Baron Tymas (’82) and faculty members bassist Mimi Jones and drummer Terri Lyne Carrington. Dr. Lenora Z. Helm Hammonds, a Chicago native and former U.S. Jazz Ambassador, is the new Dean of the Professional Education Division at Berklee College of Music. With over 20 years of academic leadership, she has authored award-winning programs and initiatives, including NEA-sponsored teaching artist certifications. A Berklee alumna, she holds advanced degrees in music from East Carolina University and Boston University. As a jazz recording artist with over four decades of experience, Dr. Hammonds, known as Lenora Zenzalai Helm, leads the Tribe Jazz Orchestra® and has released several acclaimed albums. Her work spans academia, digital humanities, and jazz, with numerous accolades including the 2022 Jazz Educator of Distinction award. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
- 6:32A importância de perder | Eva Amaral | TEDxActon Academy llhabela YouthPor que perder é essencial para moldar quem somos? Eva discute a importância de perder como um passo fundamental para o desenvolvimento pessoal e propõe uma reflexão sobre a vitimização, identificando-a como um problema relevante do século XXI. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at