The Power of Self-Permission | Hollis Rohrer | TEDxISU
Who truly has a say in what is possible for our lives? As children, we learn allowable parameters from the adults around us, but as we grow older, we might find ourselves still clinging to ideas about ourselves that no longer ring true. Self-permission is a power gate that opens us up to what we're really made of, and allows us to create our own way forward into a life worth living and celebrating. Hollis Rohrer is the host of the popular Open That Door podcast, started in 2024 to help people step into a life and livelihood they love. As a speaker, author, coach/consultant, and new thought leader, Hollis guides clients, businesses, and audiences to find their way forward by meeting them where they’re at. Her unique blend of authenticity, honesty, clarity, and compassion—and her deep belief that people already have the tools to overcome challenges—serve to empower others to realize their capacity to take action and change their lives. As a former CEO, successful entrepreneur, and retired actress, Hollis brings relatability and presence to the intersection of business acumen and leadership. She helps those she works with learn how to drop the façade and posturing of success and instead embrace the tremendous power that comes from showing up exactly as they are, vulnerable, capable, and ready. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
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- 10:05Teaching chemistry to computers | Carlos Garcia | TEDxClemsonUIn this talk, Dr. Carlos Garcia explores the gap between our childhood visions of robots and the reality of AI today. He breaks down how AI can be applied in the field of chemistry and why human creativity will always play a crucial role in shaping the future. Dr. Carlos D Garcia is a Professor in the Department of Chemistry and his research is focused on the development of integrated analytical approaches that span from highly specialized instrumentation to simple paper-based devices. Applications of these projects include the quantification of biomedically-relevant analytes, the design of biocatalysts, and the implementation of artificial intelligence to address analytical problems. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
- 18:27The Reversed Evolution of AI. | ALBERTO MATTIELLO | TEDxAsiagoNOTE FROM TED: This talk only represents the speaker's personal views and understanding of the brain. Theories discussed in this talk around the reptilian brain lack legitimate scientific support. We've flagged this talk because it falls outside the content guidelines TED gives TEDx organizers. TEDx events are independently organized by volunteers. The guidelines we give TEDx organizers are described in more detail here: Mattiello ci parla di come il rapporto uomo-macchina è la chiave per il futuro dell’umanità: capirlo significa evolversi. Partendo dai tre cervelli umani – reptile (istinto), Libico (emozioni) e Corteccia (ragione) – esplorerà come le macchine stiano seguendo un percorso analogo ma inverso: dall’intelletto dei sistemi di linguaggio all’empatia dell’affective computing, fino alla fisicità della robotica. Questo viaggio rivela non solo rischi e bias, ma soprattutto le opportunità di un mondo dove ogni tecnologia avrà una personalità, trasformando il modo in cui viviamo e lavoriamo. Visionario, Autore ed innovatore, esperto di tecnologia e innovazione aziendale.??? Per dieci anni Alberto ha guidato Future Thinking, organizzazione internazionale, hub di accelerazione dell’innovazione di Wunderman-Thompson, ed è Head Of Innovation di Retail Hub.?️ Insegnante di Marketing e Innovazione presso importanti istituzioni, tra cui l’Imperial College di Londra e l’Università Bocconi.?Cofondatore di Eitherland, il primo ecosistema di lavoro all’aperto che ha vinto diversi premi di design, e di LabNext, riconosciuta da Wired come “il Think Tank italiano”.?Le sue teorie, tra cui Innovation Success, Brand Robotics e Multiverse AI, sono state trattate nei suoi libri, tra cui “Disruption”, “Customer Success” e “Marketing Thinking”. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
- 14:48Can AI be your best friend? | Nithen Aswath | TEDxCPS Chennai YouthA central theme is the critical distinction between general intelligence and sentience. While AI systems demonstrate impressive capabilities in processing information and engaging in conversation, they fundamentally differ from human consciousness and emotional connections. The speaker emphasizes that although AI can provide useful assistance and interesting interactions, it should not be viewed as a substitute for meaningful human relationships. Nithen Aswath, a grade 11 student, aspires to enter the field of AI and Data Analysis, aiming for admission to a prestigious institution like IIT. His passion for artificial intelligence, programming, and robotics has been a driving force since childhood. An avid cinephile and bibliophile, he particularly enjoys science fiction. Influential movies such as Terminator and Age of Ultron ignited his interest in AI, which has since evolved into a fervent passion. With AI now a mainstream phenomenon, Nithen seeks to articulate his views on its ethical implications and its profound impact on modern society. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
- 12:46We Have Met The Enemy And They Are Us | Jeffery Getty | TEDxMcDonoughIn his TEDx talk, We Have Met the Enemy and They Are Us, Jeffery Getty addresses a critical issue facing baby boomer business owners: the lack of realistic succession plans. He explores how unpreparedness and unrealistic expectations for the next generation are jeopardizing the legacy and future of their businesses. With candid insights and thought-provoking solutions, Jeffery challenges business owners to rethink their approach to succession planning and ensure a smoother transition for future leaders. For nearly three decades, Jeff Getty has designed and implemented strategies with a goal of maximizing the after-tax value of businesses during a transition or transaction. At Callan Family Office, he co-leads the business advisory practice, providing comprehensive services that strive to allow clients to optimize the value of their businesses throughout the business lifecycle.Immediately prior to joining Callan Family Office, Jeff was Managing Director of the Family Wealth Consulting Team at Key Private Bank. During his 14-year tenure, he founded the practice, growing it to a team of 12 people who advised on 35-40 transactions per year.As a tax attorney, Jeff counseled clients on a variety of tax matters, including comprehensive transactional tax advice designed to reduce the variety of taxes that impact a business during the sale process. Additionally, as a M&A advisor he worked with clients several years before a transition or sale to evaluate, design and implement creative strategies and further position their companies to attempt to generate maximum value.Jeff earned his bachelor’s degree in political science from the College of Charleston in Charleston, S.C., his JD from the University of Pittsburgh, School of Law, and his Master of Science degree in tax from Duquesne University in Pittsburgh. He is a co-author of a book on asset protection strategies, has published over a dozen articles on a wide range of professional periodicals, and is the author of the bestselling book: “The Descent is the Real Climb: The Unexpected Truths About Successful Business Transitions.” In 2017 Jeff was elected as a Fellow by the American College of Trust & Estate Counsel (ACTEC) in recognition of his contributions in the field of trusts and estate law. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
- 8:18The Synergy of StoryTelling and Legal Advocacy | Deeksha Sashi Kumar | TEDxCPS Chennai YouthIn legal advocacy, storytelling becomes crucial as it transforms complex legal concepts into relatable narratives. Combining storytelling with legal advocacy not only enhances the persuasive power of arguments but also illuminate injustices, galvanizing support for legal reforms and social change . Deeksha is a multifaceted talent, excelling in storytelling, public speaking, and debate. As a book reviewer, published author, and master storyteller, she captivates audiences with her expressive delivery. In 2024, she won a bronze medal in the Queen’s Commonwealth Essay Competition and placed second in South Asia at the World Scholar's Cup. An aspiring lawyer and animal lover, she blends empathy with advocacy. As a Counter Speech Fellow with YLAC, she was praised by Instagram's Policy Head for her impactful content against cyberbullying. A dedicated athlete, Deeksha excels in sports and strives for excellence across diverse fields. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
- 9:14The Power of One: Stories and Our Interconnectedness | Shravan Kumar S | TEDxCPS Chennai YouthFolklore, mythology, and traditional stories are great cultural bridges that cut across generations, communities, and even continents. Such tales bring about common themes such as love, struggle, courage, and morality, which might perhaps connect listeners irrespective of their background. It is through such stories that we share insight, values, and wisdom gained in the passage of time: understanding others' sentiments and beliefs. Folklore's power is connecting one to another, bringing empathy and inspiring curiosity while further developing shared identity. Thusly, through the preservation of these narratives, we recognize our own roots but also nurture bonds and find meaning and connection in the shared tapestry of human experience. Shravan Kumar is an accomplished orator, avid writer, campus newspaper chronicler, and passionate thespian. Excelling in verbal, existential, logical, and mathematical intelligences as defined by Howard Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences, he seamlessly blends academic excellence with co-scholastic achievements. A three-time Best Delegate at MUN, Shravan has a deep passion for current affairs and international relations. A trilingual individual, amateur guitarist, and devoted dog lover, he thrives in intercultural interactions. His love for travel enriches his understanding of diverse cultures and cuisines. Guided by time, intent, and desire, Shravan embraces life’s boundless possibilities with enthusiasm and purpose. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at