The Power of Self-Permission | Hollis Rohrer | TEDxISU
Who truly has a say in what is possible for our lives? As children, we learn allowable parameters from the adults around us, but as we grow older, we might find ourselves still clinging to ideas about ourselves that no longer ring true. Self-permission is a power gate that opens us up to what we're really made of, and allows us to create our own way forward into a life worth living and celebrating. Hollis Rohrer is the host of the popular Open That Door podcast, started in 2024 to help people step into a life and livelihood they love. As a speaker, author, coach/consultant, and new thought leader, Hollis guides clients, businesses, and audiences to find their way forward by meeting them where they’re at. Her unique blend of authenticity, honesty, clarity, and compassion—and her deep belief that people already have the tools to overcome challenges—serve to empower others to realize their capacity to take action and change their lives. As a former CEO, successful entrepreneur, and retired actress, Hollis brings relatability and presence to the intersection of business acumen and leadership. She helps those she works with learn how to drop the façade and posturing of success and instead embrace the tremendous power that comes from showing up exactly as they are, vulnerable, capable, and ready. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
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- 22:11A Culinary Journey through time | Koushik Shankar | TEDxPodar World CollegeChef Koushik Shankar, known as "The Mad Chef," is a visionary in Indian cuisine with over 25 years of culinary expertise. A graduate of IHM, his innovative approach blends traditional flavours with modern creativity, earning him widespread recognition. Koushik founded Eatitude Gourmet Technologists, a consultancy that has supported over 40 brands in Chennai and collaborated with global clients. His popular ventures, such as Maplai, are celebrated for their fusion of South Indian flavours with unique twists. A mentor to budding food entrepreneurs, Koushik has also made his mark on television and cinema, appearing on shows like MasterChef Tamil and serving as a judge in films. His commitment to continuous learning and passion for food innovation have shaped India's culinary landscape, making him a driving force in the industry today while mesmerising us with his delectable creations, one taste bud at a time.Date: 14th December 2024Venue: Podar International SchoolOrganised by Aahaan Shekhar, Nami Sanghani, Sargam Bijoor & Assad Khatri Chef Koushik Shankar, known as "The Mad Chef," is a visionary in Indian cuisine with over 25 years of culinary expertise. A graduate of IHM, his innovative approach blends traditional flavors with modern creativity, earning him widespread recognition. Koushik founded Eatitude Gourmet Technologists, a consultancy that has supported over 40 brands in Chennai and worked with global clients. His popular ventures, like Maplai, are celebrated for their fusion of South Indian flavors with unique twists. A mentor to budding food entrepreneurs, Koushik has also made his mark on television and cinema, appearing on shows like MasterChef Tamil and as a judge in films. His commitment to learning and passion for food innovation have shaped India's culinary landscape, making him a driving force in the industry today This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
- 12:41從捐一台車, 到捐一里路 | 陳曼嫻 | TEDxTainan Salon偏鄉地區的居民因交通問題,面臨就醫與教育資源不足的挑戰,該如何解決?本次演講帶來全新視角——除了捐一台車,可以捐一里路,透過訂閱式交通服務與科技派遣系統,將醫療、教育與生活串聯起來,為偏鄉居民創造穩定、便利的移動生活圈,讓每一段路都為社會帶來正向改變。 現任裕隆集團總管理處公共事務部經理,負責集團公共事務與ESG永續策略推動。過去20年服務於台灣在地汽車集團,關注台灣高齡社會的交通問題解方,啟動「幸福輪轉手」公益計畫,推動台東南迴偏鄉醫療交通專案、9453友善小旅行、雙北高齡長照無障礙交通計畫等。2023年創新打造「愛的里程數」公益平台,透過數位與創新交通設計,串連更多食、醫、助、行的社會參與,讓交通作為地方創生的微血管,用移動服務讓企業ESG發揮最大效益。 This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
- 11:28當代逐臭之夫: 為廢棄物找到用武之地 | 沈國芬 | TEDxTainan Salon台灣每天產生約1300噸的廢棄尿布,對環境造成嚴重負擔,但你知道它們可以變成高價值材料嗎?本次演講揭示了循環經濟如何將髒尿布轉化為塑膠、紙纖維和吸水材料,為資源再利用開創新篇章。從創新的技術到政策推動,我們可以一起將廢棄物變成永續的可能。 一場世纪大瘟疫,改變了世界,也改變了我。走入人生下半場,我在我25歲的總經理身上,看到50歲之後的我才有的改變世界的勇氣與決心。在這樣的世代,我們必須責無旁貸,為了下一代,也為了我們生活的這片地土,這已經不單單是你我的責任,這是屬於每個地球公民的責任。阿幾米得說:「請給我一個支点,我將翹動整個地球」,願每個人都能成為翹動地球的支点.善盡一已之力,?手串起循環永續的美好聯集。 This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
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- 8:22How I live abundantly through food rescue | Günes Seyfarth | TEDxTUWienIn her thought-provoking talk, Günes Seyfarth demonstrates how we can live rich, value-driven lives while taking the bold steps necessary for climate action—proving that sustainable living and personal fulfillment can go hand in hand. Video produced by Apehouse ( Günes Seyfarth is a driven entrepreneur and changemaker, known for turning ideas into impactful ventures. As a mother of three, she first founded the crèche, kindergarten, and after-school program Karl & Liesl to support her children’s development. She then co-founded Mamikreisel (now Vinted), a popular platform for swapping preloved kids' items, promoting sustainability in everyday life.Her latest ventures, Community Kitchen and Shaere, are ambitious projects tackling food waste and fostering social inclusion. Community Kitchen rescues, processes, and sells 20 tons of surplus food weekly, while Shaere is the largest temporary social use initiative in Germany, offering 15,000 square meters of space that welcomes 45,000 visitors monthly.Günes’ mission is to inspire others to follow her lead, demonstrating that anyone can make a difference through actionable, community-driven solutions. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at