Genç Girişimcilere Altın Tavsiyeler | Orhan AYDIN | TEDxAtaturk University
Genç girişimciler, ülkemizin geleceğine yön veren dinamik, yenilikçi ve cesur bireylerdir. Girişimcilik yolculuğunda başarılı olabilmek için net bir vizyon ve hedef belirlemek, yenilikçi olmak, sürekli öğrenmek, güçlü ağlar kurmak, kararlılık ve azimle çalışmak, müşteri odaklı olmak ve finansal yönetimi iyi yapmak çok önemlidir. Unutulmamalıdır ki girişimcilik, sabır ve özveri gerektiren bir yolculuktur ve başarı, pes etmeyenlerin ödülüdür. Onlara başarılar ve bol şans diliyor. Ankara doğumlu olan Orhan AYDIN, aslen Sivas’ın Akıncılar ilçesindendir. Orta öğretimini Eyüp İmam Hatip Lisesinde alan AYDIN, lisans eğitimini Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi İktisadi İdari Bilimler Fakültesi, İktisat bölümünde tamamlamıştır. Kanada’da MBA programı alan AYDIN, İstanbul Üniversitesi İktisat bölümünde Yüksek Lisansını da tamamlayarak YÜKSEK İKTİSATÇI unvanını almıştır. Orhan AYDIN akademik çalışmalarına, İstanbul Üniversitesi İktisat Anabilim dalında yaptığı doktora ile devam etmektedir.Akademik kariyerinin yanında ticaret hayatında da aktif faaliyet gösteren Orhan AYDIN, kurucusu ve yöneticisi olduğu OMA IPLIK A.Ş. iplik üretim tesisleri ile, sektörüne yön veren OMAFIL markasını ülke değerlerine katmıştır.ASKON’da 2014-2017 yıllarında yönetim kurulu üyesi olarak Yeni Yatırımlar Komisyon Başkan Yardımcısı ve 2016-2017 yılı içerisinde Kurum Genel Sekreterliği görevini yürüten Orhan AYDIN, 2017 yılında yapılan ASKON Genel Kurulu sonrası Kurumsal İlişkilerden Sorumlu Genel Başkan Yardımcılığı görevine seçilmiştir.Orhan AYDIN, İstanbul Tekstil ve Hammaddeleri İhracatçıları Birliği Yönetim Kurulu Üyesi ve Türkiye İhracatçılar Meclisi Denetim Kurulu görevlerine devam etmektedir.ASKON 11. Olağan Genel Kurulu sonrası ASKON Genel Başkanlığına seçilen Orhan AYDIN, 12. Olağan Genel Kurulu’nda da genel başkanlığa seçilmiş olup görevini başarıyla sürdürmektedir.İyi derecede İngilizce, İtalyanca ve Arapça dillerini konuşabilen Orhan AYDIN, evli ve 3 çocuk babasıdır. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
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- 21:21Κάνε την αδυναμία - δύναμη. | Dimitris Papanikolaou | TEDxAthensΜικρός πίστευα ότι επιτυχία είναι να κατακτάς μετάλλια με κάθε κόστος και ότι την είχα κατακτήσει.Όταν ήρθε η κόρη μου στην ζωή και διαγνώστηκε με αυτισμό, μου είπε με τον τρόπο της, ότι επιτυχία είναι να βοηθάς τους ανθρώπους να πιάνουν το ταβάνι τους, ακόμα και αν αυτό δεν αντιστοιχεί σε μετάλλιο. Μου είπε ότι επιτυχία δεν είναι να θαυμάζουν εμένα, αλλά να ξεκινήσουν να θαυμάζουν τον εαυτό τους.Και τα κατάφερε. Κάναμε την αδυναμία δύναμη και συμπαρασύραμε χιλιάδες ανθρώπους. He was born on 7/2/77 in Athens. He started his professional athletic career at the age of 15, where he also received his first paycheck. He would take two buses and a train daily to get to his training sessions from his family home in Ilio, to Patissia and Sporting. At 16, he won the European children’s championship with the National Team. At 18, he won the World Junior Championship and that same summer transferred to Olympiacos. He spent a total of 3 years at Sporting, 7 years at Olympiacos, 1 year at Makedonikos, 4 years at Panathinaikos, 2 years at AEK, 1 year at Panionios, and 1 year at Peristeri.Apart from being a European children’s champion and world junior champion, he is a 2-time Olympian with the national men’s team, 7-time Greek champion, 6-time Greek Cup winner, 2-time European club champion with Olympiacos and Panathinaikos, and the only Greek basketball player to achieve a triple crown with Olympiacos and Panathinaikos, meaning winning the championship, cup, and European title in the same season. After retiring, he was awarded by the Panhellenic Association of Sports Press for his ethics throughout his career.In the last 2 years, he has been dedicated to raising awareness about autism, mainly due to his daughter, but also speaking about self-improvement, athleticism, and teamwork, and how he utilized these experiences from sports to turn what society perceived as a disadvantage into an advantage and help thousands of people facing similar challenges. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
- 18:19Sessions 10.17.24 @ Songbirds, Part 1 | Mon Rovîa | TEDxChattanooga SalonFeatured songs: Bone; To Watch the World; Crooked the Road Born in Mon Rovîa, Liberia but now based in Chattanooga, TN, his early life can be summed up by being born into a civil war, escaping the life of a child soldier, then being rescued by missionaries. He spent his developmental years living in a variety of places ultimately granting him a variety of life experiences. Layered on top of that are his feelings being a transracially adopted refugee. His music is a culmination of all of these experiences blended with the empathy he feels for others. Truly, the mission of his music is to heal with others—with every nation and tongue, in due time. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at