Looks Aren't everything | Haya Halaweh | TEDxYouth@ISGDammam
The intention behind this TEDx talk is to raise awareness about why looks aren't everything. Haya wants her audience to understand the value of traits, talent, and ethics as major factors of inter-human relationships, and how the outside look of people is not that relevant. It's important because our society is heavily affected by non-core values, and judges each other based on looks rather than on true nature. Haya is a 12 year old student who is excited and scared to be speaking to you today. Even though she struggles with stage fright, Haya knows how important it is to do hard things and go out of our comfort zones. Haya is excited to speak to you today about how looking beyond the exterior helps us to understand each other better. In her free time, Haya enjoys badminton, basketball and swimming. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx
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