How Your Last Penny Can Save Your Life | Muhammad Faruq Al-Hadid | TEDxUniversitas Andalas
Imagine a single penny transforming your future. In this TEDx talk, discover how small financial decisions can have a profound impact. Learn how the smallest actions can set off a chain reaction, leading to unexpected, positive outcomes. Uncover the power of mindset, and see how a shift from scarcity to abundance can unlock new possibilities. Through compelling stories and practical tips, this talk reveals how to turn limited resources into limitless opportunities. One penny. One decision. A world of change.
Mr. Faruq Al-Hadid is an expert in career development, financial literacy, and leadership. With a passion for helping others make sound financial decisions, he has guided many individuals in building their careers and securing their financial futures. His work focuses on practical financial planning, demonstrating how even small, everyday decisions can have a significant impact on long-term stability.
With extensive experience in advising students and young professionals, Mr. Faruq shares his knowledge on navigating the complexities of financial decisions and their real-life consequences. His insights offer a fresh perspective on financial resilience and emphasize how strategic resource management can save lives in challenging times. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
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