Transformation At Any Age | Amanda Lamb | TEDxYouth@NCSSM
The world we live in is chaotic. It doesn’t leave us a lot of room for introspection. Ms. Lamb is a firm believer that despite what our culture sometimes tells us, we are the actual architects of our lives. We have the power to transform, to change paths at any point. But we must truly believe in our ability to transform to make it happen. In this presentation, she shared her transformation journey from living like her hair was on fire to learning how to quiet the noise and reset her nervous system. Through this process, she was able align her passion with her purpose which is a magical combination. Ms. Lambs' goal is for you too to believe you have the magic within you. Amanda Lamb is a veteran television crime reporter with more than three decades of experience. For most of her career, she worked for award-winning WRAL-TV in Raleigh, North Carolina. She is also a podcaster, an author, and an adjunct professor of journalism.
Amanda owns and operates Stage Might Communications which helps people with everything from content creation to media training to public speaking. In 2024 she launched her first independent podcast which she writes, hosts, produces and edits called AGELESS. The show features the powerful stories of women over fifty who are transforming their lives both professionally and personally. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
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