Unlocking justice, transforming lives by empowering women | April Foster | TEDxStLouisWomen
In this talk, April Foster shares her journey of working with justice-impacted women and the transformative lessons she learned along the way. Highlighting personal challenges, systemic barriers, and moments of growth, April illustrates how focusing on strengths and providing holistic support can empower women to rebuild their lives. Her talk underscores the importance of changing narratives, fostering resilience, and creating opportunities for individuals to thrive, ultimately advocating for a more just and compassionate society. April Foster holds a Master of Social Work from Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville, with a concentration in gender-specific programming in the justice system. The first decade of her career was dedicated to juvenile justice initiatives before she transitioned to behavioral research. At Washington University’s Brown School of Social Work and the Department of Psychiatry, she coordinated studies on trauma and PTSD in adolescent girls, perinatal mood and anxiety disorders, and severe mental illness. Alongside her research, April remained actively involved in reentry work through volunteering, consulting, and board service with local reentry organizations. In 2019, she returned to her passion for working with justice-involved populations, particularly women, by joining the Keyway Center for Diversion and Reentry as the Director of Programs. In 2021, she advanced to the role of Executive Director, where she continues to make significant contributions to the field, championing the needs and rights of justice-involved women. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx
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