Visions of the End Times | Ankit Biswas | TEDxYouth@NCSSM
The end times dominate our culture, visions of apocalyptic worlds that consume our media cycle upon the onset of the most recent catastrophe–whether it be the newest drastic effect of climate change or the newest global conflict. However, this obsession with the end times is not only unhealthy but actively detrimental to our progress towards fixing these challenges. Ever since building his first bottle rocket in third grade, Ankit has been a highly dedicated student researcher and education advocate. Aiming to help build and train the next generation of thinkers, scientists, and innovators through outreach and advocacy, he works to bring tutoring and mentorship to under-funded communities via his organization the Youth Research Initiative, which has reached 52k+ people around the world. As a youth researcher, he explores the furthest frontiers of the observable universe–receiving notable accolades, including a Grand Prize at the International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF), the Davidson Fellow scholarship, and being a Broadcom MASTERS Top Award winner. Both his scientific tutelage and research work towards his central goal–to help explore the terra incognita beyond the world’s map of knowledge. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
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