Redefining Resilience: A Journey of Passion and Strength | Sarah Elbadry | TEDxNileUniversity
Sara Elbadry shares her inspiring journey, from childhood to finding her true passion. She faced early setbacks—falling behind in college, struggling to find a job despite graduating with honors, and later losing motivation in her corporate career. Determined to follow her passion for fitness, she transitioned into gym marketing and coaching. When COVID-19 shut down gyms, she adapted to online training and found success. In 2021, she discovered a congenital leg-length difference just before a tournament but pushed through, competing in CrossFit and securing 25th place. Her story is a testament to resilience, proving that if we don’t reach our goal, we must change our approach—not the goal itself. Sarah El Badry: CF L1-CPD Nutritionist, Inspiring Coach, and Multitalented Musician.
Sarah El Badry, a multifaceted individual, embarked on a successful career as an account manager and marketing director in Dubai. However, her true passion for sports and training propelled her to become a remarkable coach, transforming the lives of over 200 girls.
In addition to her coaching expertise, Sarah's talents extend beyond the fitness realm. She studied flute at the conservatoire and holds a degree in mass communication, highlighting her diverse skill set.
While balancing her role as an account manager during the day, Sarah dedicates her nights to coaching, leveraging her CF L1-CPD Nutrition certification to guide her clients toward physical and nutritional transformations.
Sarah El Badry's journey embodies her commitment to professional growth and coaching excellence. With her background in music, mass communication, and fitness, she continues to inspire and empower others, leaving a lasting impact on those she guides toward achieving their goals. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
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