‘E’, The Secret to Rock N’ Roll | Iliya Lionel Dassanayake | TEDxAl Diyafah High School
My idea dwells into where the letter " E" is found in human life. It stems into Empathy, Education, Exploration, Empowerment and Energy which are the 5 fundamental driving forces for the advancement of humankind This idea will tap into both linguistic and universal values in what the letter "E" can stand for. What it means musically as well; Most pop and rock guitar music is written in the key of " E" for strange but scientifically explainable reasons as well.
I am passionate about finding meaning in everyday ideas and sharing them in a way that inspires growth and connection. With a background in public speaking and music, I aim to empower and engage audiences through clear, relatable stories and energetic presentations that spark motivation and deeper understanding. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx
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