How trees and microbes can clean our toxic sites | Renee Murphy | TEDxRandburg
What if the solutions to our biggest environmental challenges were right under our feet? In this eye-opening talk, Renee Murphy shares how plants and microbes team up to heal polluted landscapes, rebuild ecosystems, and even tackle Superfund sites—all by working with nature instead of against it. From personal transformation to groundbreaking scientific discoveries, this talk will inspire you to see nature as a partner in creating a cleaner, healthier, and more balanced world.
Renee Murphy is the Director of Sales at Intrinsyx Environmental and an accomplished environmental scientist specializing in endophyte-assisted phytoremediation. With a master's degree in Plant Science, Renee is an emerging voice in the environmental field, having shared her expertise at prestigious platforms, including as an international keynote speaker at NICOLA 2022 in Cape Town and with the NASA Ames Green Team. She has led groundbreaking restoration projects, harnessing the powerful synergy between plants and microbes in collaborations with organizations such as Google, NASA, the military, and the EPA.
Beyond her professional achievements, Renee is deeply committed to community outreach. She actively participates in programs with the California Native Plant Society, advocating for sustainable gardening and landscaping practices to promote biodiversity and ecological health. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
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